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Favourite Sites

Stacked Up Backwards - Punk band from Bath

Steak And Cheese

Yahoo! With over half a million sites divided into more than 25,000 categories, Yahoo! is both browseable and searchable.

Whitmore An excellent example of the punk that the UK is unleashing upon the world

AFI Amazing punk band from Berkeley, california

Millencolin One of the bigger bands in our links - but it would be a crime if they weren't mentioned

Freeflow UK - Salford Uni's music site.

- Excellent promoter who puts on really cool events that are all about the music.

Taking Back Sunday Imaginative, compelling, promising US newcomers. .

The Used Promising newcomers from Utah. We went to see them live and they were amazing. Get in now before they get too huge.

Less Than Jake Definitely an inspiration to us - and most other punk/ska bands

New Found Glory Florida punk as pop as it comes

Hell Is For Heroes Fantastic UK melodic hardcore.

Innabula Alt/Rock/Metal band from Oldham. Theyre well worth checking out.

BURBs - British Underground Rock Bands
The front door to the inde bands of the UK.